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I will
  • reduce my risk of cancer and other diseases
  • feel healthier and look better
  • have more energy
  • get to enjoy delicious, fresh meals
  • actively manage my healthy diet!

Cancer Australia recommends: Aiming for 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit every day, eating foods high in fibre, including unprocessed cereals (grains) and pulses (legumes), and limiting your intake of red meat, processed meat and salt to lower your risk of cancer.

  • Foods containing dietary fibre, such as vegetables, fruits, pulses (legumes) and cereals can protect against cancers including colorectal (bowel), oesophageal and stomach.
  • Worldwide, it has been estimated that 374,000 cancer deaths each year can be attributed to low fruit and vegetable intake.
  • Excessive intake of high-energy and nutrient-poor foods has been identified as contributing greatly to weight gain as well as cancer risk.
  • Many Australians do not include enough vegetables and fruit in their daily diets. The 2014-15 Australian Health Survey indicates that only 5.1% of Australian adults had an adequate daily intake of fruit and vegetables.

Eating lots of fibre won’t reduce my risk of cancer

Eating a balanced diet with lots of fibre is so important when it comes to improving your health and reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases. To make sure you get a balanced diet, use these simple tips:


  • Aim for 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables everyday – they are delicious, and come in all shapes, sizes, colours and textures for even the fussiest eater. What’s a serve?
  • Include lots of dietary fibre – found in fruit, vegies, legumes, pulses and unprocessed cereals, which protects against bowel cancer. What’s a legume?
  • Limit your intake of red meat to less than 500 grams per week, that’s all you need! Try chicken, seafood and vegetarian options as a different source of protein.
  • Stick to less than 6 grams (one teaspoon) of salt per day by avoiding salty, processed foods and using delicious herbs and spices to add flavour to your meals instead.

It’s too hard to eat healthy everyday

There are many ways to be proactive in making better nutrition part of your daily routine, but it all comes down to finding something which suits you and will last for the long haul.


  • Eat more fruit and vegies throughout the day – top your toast with mushrooms and tomatoes at breakfast, snack on fruit instead of biscuits in the afternoon, add salad to your sandwich for extra flavour and texture, and serve every main meal with vegetables. Too easy!
  • Think of fast food, sugary drinks and restaurant meals as a treat, rather than something to have every day.
  • If your lifestyle means a lot of restaurant meals, for example travelling long distances for work, try to choose a healthy option such as a salad or veggies instead of chips.
  • Practice mindful eating – think about how much you’re eating and how often, and savour every mouthful.
  • Learn how to understand food labels and make it a habit to read the back of packets when you’re grocery shopping.

Top tip

For professional support, make an appointment with your local dietitian who will guide you to achieve a healthy diet.


I don’t have time to eat healthy

Invest the time to save time. A little planning before your weekly grocery shop can set you and your family up for regular nutritious meals which can make a big difference to your wellbeing.


  • Prepare a meal plan and buy all your healthy ingredients at the beginning of the week.
  • Cook healthy meals in bulk on the weekend and freeze portions to use when you get home late from work.
  • There are plenty of quick, healthy and delicious recipes to cook within 30 minutes or less. Use the leftovers for lunch the next day to save even more time!

Healthy eating is boring and expensive

This is one myth worth busting! It’s all about variety and flavours – a diverse range of nutritious foods will make healthy eating a lot more appealing and will also give you benefits without breaking the bank.


  • Familiarise yourself with the Guide to Healthy Eating so you can enjoy different and delicious foods from all five food groups to keep it interesting while nourishing your body.
  • Try some GoFor2and5 recipes – they are nutritious, delicious and easy to prepare.
  • Buy fruit and vegies which are in season and on special. If fresh produce is not available, try frozen or canned fruits and vegetables (without added sugar or salt) – they are convenient and nutritious.